Our Philosophy

We believe that the spaces we inhabit have a profound effect on us and that well-crafted space can have a subtle but dramatic impact on how we experience the world. As artists we have a deep interest in developing creative solutions that interweave the unique circumstances of each project into a unified vision.

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River House Render

Our Process

Design & Build is an integrated construction process that leverages a combined team of builders and designers to streamline communication, increase workflow and find solutions to complex and detail oriented projects. Ultimately, we believe the gains in efficiency and flexibility result in buildings of the highest quality at the lowest cost.

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We are dedicated to our employees and sub-contractors and look to maintain enduring relationships with them. When they succeed, we succeed. We strive to provide an open, flexible and healthy work environment.

The Team

We identify ourselves as artists and craftsmen, and we strive to make honest, efficient and emotionally engaging buildings that are uniquely tailored to the individual personalities and circumstances of our clients.

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Whether you’d like to talk over some design ideas or create a budget for your next home or remodeling project, we’re here to help. We offer a free initial consultation.
